Early Beginning English language courses for pre-school children
PRO AMERICANA language school opened it’s doors in 1996 and since 2001 we are teaching English in over 300 kindergardens across Slovakia. Our educational program called EARLY BEGINNINGS is designed to playfully interact with children of pre-school age. Our methodics of approach with our workbooks and teaching resources is approved and recommended by Department of Education in Slovak Republic. The mothods of teching are based on the natural playfullnes and abbility of the child to listen, learn and remember new words easily, even in two different languages. The methods of our EARLY BEGINNINGS educational program is very likeable among children, it introduces a new and interesting learning activity before children begin their school activities.
Our language school is practicly active nation wide and we teach in kindergartens in almost every town in Slovakia. Our lecturers are trained and professional. Our methods of teaching and our teaching resources are great help for starting teachers without any experience.
The children learn quickly because the learning is playfull with lots of varieties, where children are captivated by always something new and interesting. They easily learn 200 new words and 10 songs in one school year.
EARLY BEGINNINGS is for children of 4 – 7 years of age:
- Greatings (Hello, Good morning,…)
- Colours
- Count to 10
- Verbs (sit, run, stand, play, say, sing, ….)
- Animals
- Toys
- Adjectives (small, big, short…)
- Answers to question like: „How are you? How old are you?“
- English songs, rymes, poems, games and plays
Minimum of 10 children is needed to make a group, and its advised not to have more then 20 children in one group. After parents application is filled, and time schedule approved learning may begin. Our lecturer attends a kindergarten on regular basis, ones or twice a week, usualy in the afternoon at specific time, as recommenden by kindergarten director. At the end of school year there is a presentation for parents.
2 x 30 minutes per week: 1,80 € / lesson
1 x 45 minutes per week: 2,60 € / lesson
*price may vary in different regions
Important: NO PAY when the child is not present at the lesson.
Early Beginnings 1
Workbook is intended for pre-school children of 4 – 6 years of age
– 56 ilustrated pages of A4 size
– picture dictionary for parents as a separate part of the book
– celebration of holidays as Halloween, Christmas and Easter
– coloring activities and games
What we will learn:
– about 180 new English words
– counting to 10
– 8-12 songs nad rymes
– greetings and verbs
– games and plays in English language
PRICE: 5,90 € (price includes the picture dictionary)

Early Beginnings 2
Workbook is intetended for pre-school children of 5 – 7 years of age
– 52 ilustrated pages of A4 size
– picture dictionary for parents as a separate part of the book
– pictures with words
– celebration of holidays as Halloween, Christmas and Easter
– coloring activities and games
What we will learn:
– about 320 new words
– short sentences
– 15 song and rymes
– games and plays in English
– creating projects
CENA: 5,90 € (price includes the picture dictionary)